MARS 3rd NFT Contest starts!

2 min readApr 23, 2022


Martians! Time to earn millions of MARS🔥 by joining the MARS NFT Contest!

Now, you can post your artwork on the MARS website NFT contest page to join contest episode #3, and people will vote on your artwork. The artwork which gets the most votes will become MARS official NFT. The winner of each episode will not only be heavily awarded with MARS but also earn from selling their featured NFT.

The 3rd contest episode starts on 2022/04/22! End date TBD.


1. Every participant needs to verify their address in MARS discord (Link)

2. Every participant is only permitted to upload one artwork per episode

3. Every address will get 10 votes per episode

4. Artwork with the highest vote at the end of each episode will be selected as the winner

5. Winning artwork will automatically be converted to MARS featured NFT, and sold by the MARS officials in a limited number (number and price TBD)

6. For MARS collected through the initial selling of NFTs, the winner can keep 80%

7. For all subsequent resell of the winning NFTs, the winner will keep 5% royalties


1. MARS officials will be distributed MILLIONS of MARS randomly among all contest participants who upload artwork or vote on artwork

2. Winner of each contest will be heavily awarded with MARS

3. Winner of each contest will keep 80% of the fund when their NFT is sold

4. Winner of each contest will keep 5% of the royalties when their NFT is resold


  1. Please follow community guidelines and be responsible for the artwork you posted (do not post artwork with nudity, violence, politics, etc).

2. We also don’t tolerate plagiarism. If found, no rewards with be distributed.



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